Photo credit: Hunter Berry Photography
Oliver passed along some of his toy trucks, that have been sitting untouched for a while, to a friend's 2-year-old son last night. I watched this exchange of toys and the promise they'd be loved well, and couldn't help but have my own Woody and Buzz moment. As Oliver was helping carry the trucks to the car, he started reminiscing about each one and where it came from, maybe realizing his mom needed one more moment before this big kid turned in his little kid keys.
I filtered through some old photos and found endless pictures with trucks in his hand, a boy who has practically lived in a sandbox or mud pit for his entire life. I'm so thankful to have these to remember these little years that have somehow escaped me.
I'm so proud to be his mom. So in awe of how mature he seems these days, so fun and thoughtful, interesting and hilarious. We might be playing street hockey instead of monster trucks, but I'll always proudly be the sucker of a mom who brought the laundry basket full of trucks to the playground. I'll always remember those chubby fingers digging in the dirt, pushing dump truck loads of mulch from place to place.
I don't know how parents do it - how they find the strength to love so much and then let go. Come find me in 12 years and help me let this boy who loved trucks and hockey and his mama more than anything, carve a new path in this world without my hand to hold.